Biosimilar systems can be created using the unique scientific facility ISSI-4

MOSCOW, October 14th, 2018 /TASS/. Unique electric power generators based on nature-like technologies can be developed using the latest fourth-generation synchrotron radiation source (ISSI-4), which is planned to be built in Protvino, Moscow Region. The first Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the NRC "Kurchatov Institute" Alexander Blagov said on Sunday on NAUKA 0+ festival to TASS correspondent.
The lecture of the scientist, devoted to the prospects for the development of the national infrastructure of synchronous-neutron research, was held in the Shuvalov building of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
"Facility [ISSI-4] will help to understand the processes of photosynthesis, which will allow to create biosimilar oxygen or electricity generators, based, for example, on protein components. In the future humanity will be able to receive energy with the help of microorganisms. Such facilities will determine the development of science for many decades ahead", — scientists continued.
The fundamentally new source of synchrotron radiation of the fourth generation, ISSI-4, which is being created in the framework of the national project "Science", has no analogues in the world. It combines a ring accelerator and a free electron laser, explained Alexander Blagov to TASS.
Synchrotron radiation is used in many scientific areas: from the study of the structure of materials to the study of new pharmaceuticals and the treatment of cancer cells. In particular, high intensity radiation helps to improve the quality of images during angiography and mammography in order to detect a tumor at an early stage. Also, this feature allows the treatment to affect mainly diseased cells, without destroying healthy ones.
ISSI-4 will be built in two stages. The project includes the creation of a linear accelerator and a multi-user system. The site for the project will be the NRC "Kurchatov Institute" – IHEP in Protvino, where there are already a number of infrastructure elements necessary for the future synchrotron. The scientists of NRC "Kurchatov Institute" should complete the first stage of calculations within the next five years.
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